
-Making The Moment Count

When I talk about making your moment count, I mean two things.  To many people, a moment is something short, gone in the blink of an eye.   And if this is your belief, that may even be how you look at each person’s life in the big scheme of things.  Calling your lifetime a moment could be a representation of how insignificant you feel.  When I speak of making your moment count, I hint at realizing the possibility of significance, and using that terrible possibility to find the inspiration for passionate living.  

Also, when I talk about making the moment count, I refer to embracing the here and now.  For example, someone who has mastered the present could be said to be “living in the moment.”  Your life can be insignificant, short, and abrupt if you choose to accept that paradigm.  Perspective holds the keys to your illusions, and your illusions create your reality.  Left uncultivated, many lives pass by without notice. 

Seconds become minutes. 

Days become weeks. 

Months become years. 

But by living in the moment, you can make the larger moment of life really count, and, in essence, stretch time.   By recognizing your moment of life as the miracle it  is and embracing it like a gift, nothing you do will be insignificant. 

This page is meant to document my efforts to live this philosophy–to gain the necessary perspective for my desired reality.  This is not the beginning of my journey, but it will be a turning point.  In these blogs, I will narrate my moment of life.  This will be my journal, a tool to hold my focus on my dreams rather than letting them drift away on the tides of time. 

A successful human life seeks mastery in specific areas, and I will focus on these areas in my personal development. 

My areas of focus will be:

1.  THE BODY–In order to appreciate and experience everything life has to offer, the human body must be in good health.  Healthiness promotes happiness.  Proper diet and exercise makes you live longer and maintains the vitality needed for the good things in life.  Many of the best confidence-building activities are based on what you can do with your body because improving your body brings instant, obvious results.

2.  THE MIND–The human brain is the most amazing computer to ever exist.  Most people never even scratch the surface of the brain’s vast capabilities.  Science struggles to understand its powers, but they know we only put a fraction of that power to use.  Fortunately, the brain can be strengthened and sharpened like a tool.  A successful life requires constantly learning and exposing yourself to new ideas. 

3.  THE SPIRIT–Recent breakthroughs in quantum physics are closing the gap between science and religion.  The world is a mysterious place, and there is undoubtedly more than just the physical realm.  In my opinion, religion is not the answer for everyone.  Many doctrines have something to offer, but I believe it is up to each individual to get to know God personally.  Your moment of life can only truly count if you strengthen your faith.

4.  THE HEART–The heart and the emotions are an integral part of being human.  A full person enjoys human interaction and has a strong connection to friends and family.  Likewise, you have not experienced the finer things in life if you have not tasted love.  The tragedy is many people live their lives as prisoners to habitual behavior stemming from their deepest emotions, most of which were created by long-past childhood experiences.  You must strike a delicate balance between controlling and embracing your emotions if you want to unleash your full potential.

5.  THE PURPOSE–I believe money is an important part of life;  it is an essential component of achieving your dreams.  Money is not an end result, but a means which brings the power of choices.  It is a resource, and far less is actually needed than most people imagine.    Furthermore, humans need purpose.  Engaging yourself in meaningful work is the best way create an impassioned existence.  Never fully retire.  Studies show retired people die, while people who continue to work at something they love maintain their vitality and live longer, happier lives. 

6.  THE MOMENT–It is a good idea to have a “Things to do Before You Die” list as a goal-setting device and inspirational tool, but I don’t like the desperate tone of that title, so my list is called “Ways To Make Your Moment of Life Count.”  I will make an honest effort to do everything on this list and will write about my adventures in this blog.  Carrying out your dreams is essential if you do not want your moment to slip by silently and unfulfilled. 

This approach may change as this blog evolves.  In fact, everything about this blog may change as I evolve.   If I am to live in the moment, I must remain flexible.  I do not want this blog to become a narcissistic celebration of my self.  Instead, I hope it commits me to the principles I believe in and offers inspiration to other people who want more out of life. 

Thank you for reading, and remember, your moment of life is what you make it. 

Make it count!

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  1. Hi webmaster!

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